Eaglefeather rendering
Eaglefeather rendering 1

Sci-fi film producer Arch Oboler had constructed a sizeable Frank Lloyd Wright residence incrementally between 1940–1954 on his estate above Malibu, but was never able to achieve the intended centerpiece, the dramatic cliffside eyrie named “Eaglefeather.” Oboler died in 1987, his widow moved away, and the compound passed through several owners and experienced an accelerated decline. A new owner envisioned a restored complex, to include a family residence. Our 7,000 sq. ft. structure was relocated to a gentle overlook above a new pond near the site’s center. Base materials were the colorful angular stones joined in a formed concrete matrix of the existing Wright buildings. Superstructure was incombustible, in place of the exposed natural wood that had proven so vulnerable to weathering and fire in the earlier buildings. Interiors were largely redwood as are the originals. Gardens in proximity to the residence were walled, in order to define their limits within the open landscape of native grasses and liveoak trees.
See also Preservation

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