AC1037 linear accelerator

Linear Accelerator Suite 2

To provide cancer patients the medical advantages of the first image-guided radiation therapy system — Trilogy — a major conversion of an existing 1,000 square foot treatment suite, including control room and ancillary space, exemplifies the Medical Center’s continuing quest for the best possible healthcare delivery. The room was gutted and completely redesigned to serve the treatment versatility of the new radiation therapy equipment that provides for the patient shorter treatment times and precision that spares healthy tissue to an extent that was unimaginable only a few years ago. The room’s redesign incorporates a serenely colored, warmly lighted ambiance that is comfortable and stress-reducing for patients and staff, and expresses our goal to evolve architectural environments that purposefully contribute to successful health care practices and outcomes. Equipment designed to monitor exact three dimensional target locations during radiation treatment as patients breathe or slightly move was later installed.

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